1. 1 Understanding MATLAB
The history of1.1.1MATLAB
The main functions of 1. 1.2MATLAB
1.1.3 new functions of MATLAB 7.0
MATLAB environment under 1.2 window
1. 2. 1 Desktop Introduction
1. 2. 2 command window operation introduction
1. 2. 3 Introduction to Command Window
The easiest way to use a calculator
1.2.5 Values, variables and expressions
1.2.6 Diagram of calculation results
Operation points of 1.3 command window
1.4 Business History Window
1.4. 1 Introduction to Command History Window
1.4.2 Rerun the history command line.
1.5 Current directory, path setter and file management
1.5. 1 Introduction to the current directory browser
1. 5. 2 Search path of atlas
1. 5. 3 MATLAB MATLAB Search Path Extension and Modification
1.6 Workspace Browser and Array Editor
1.6. 1 Introduction to Workspace Browser
The 1.6.2 field menu is used to access and delete memory variables.
1.6.3ArrayEditor Array Editor and Input of Large Arrays
1.7LaunchPad interactive interface directory window
1.8 Editor/Debugger and Scripting
1.8. 1 Introduction to Editor/Debugger
Preliminary writing of 1.8.2M script file
1.9 help system
1.9. 1 help mode overview
1.9.2 Help Navigator/Browser Introduction
Chapter II Matrix and Its Basic Operations
2. 1 boot
2.2 Create a new matrix
Create a new matrix
2.2.2 Generation of Vector and Sub-matrix
2.2.3 special matrix in MATLAB
2.2.4 high-dimensional matrix
2.2.5 Overview of high-dimensional matrix construction and operation functions
2.2.6 "non-numeric" and "empty" matrices
2.3 Matrix construction technology synthesis
2.4 matrix operation
2.4. 1 addition and subtraction
2.4.3 Division
2.4.4 Transposition and combination
2.4.5 element operation arithmetic operation
2.4.6 Component operation function
2.4.7 Functions of Matrix
Chapter 3 Introduction to Basic Operation
3. 1 common mathematical functions
3. 1. 1 common mathematical functions
3. 1.2 trigonometric functions and hyperbolic functions
3. 1.3 complex variable function
3. 1.4 Maximum and minimum values
3. 1.5 Sum, product and difference
3. 1.6 Simple Statistics Command
3. 1.7 sorting
3.2 Relationship and Logical Operation and Polynomial Operation
3.2. 1 relational operator
logical operator
3.2.3 Relationship and Logical Function
3.3 string
3.3. 1 string introduction
3.3.2 Assignment of String (Attribute and Identification)
Display and input
String evaluation
3.3.5 Creation of Complex Strings
3.3.6 Character string conversion function
3.3.7 String operation function
Chapter 4 Preliminary M Document
4. 1 Getting Started
4.2M file classification and operation
4.2. 1 function file
Non-functional file
4.2.3M file operation
4.3M file structure
4.3. 1 Basic structure of function file
Function call
4.3.3 Adjustable functional parameters
4.3.4 Global variables and local variables
4.3.5 actual combat: m function file operation practice
Chapter V Basic Cartography
5. 1 2D graphics
5. 1. 1 basic plane graphics command
5. 1.2 plane graphics command
5. 1.3 2D graphics annotation command
5.2 Three-dimensional graphics
5.2. 1 3D curve and surface color filling command
5.2.2 Outline of 3D graphics
Surface and Grid Diagram commands
5.2.4 Other expressions of 3D data command
Chapter VI Advanced Matrix Operation
6. 1 matrix decomposition
6. 1. 1 Coleski decomposition
6. 1.2LU decomposition
6. 1.3QR decomposition
6. 1.4 Schur decomposition
6. 1.5 Real Schur decomposition into complex Schur decomposition.
6. 1.6 eigenvalue decomposition
6. 1.7 singular value decomposition
6. 1.8 Generalized Singular Value Decomposition
QZ decomposition of 6. 1.9 eigenvalue problem
6. Decomposition of1.10 Heisenberg Form
6.2 the solution of linear equations
6.2. 1 Find the unique or special solution of linear equations (the first kind of problems)
6.2.2 Find the general solution of linear homogeneous equations.
6.2.3 Finding the General Solution of Non-homogeneous Linear Equations
6.2.4 LQ solutions of linear equations
6.2.5 Solving equations by double conjugate gradient method
6.2.6 Stable Biconjugate Gradient Method for Solving Equations
6.2.7 Complex conjugate gradient method for solving equations
LSQR method of conjugate gradient
6.2.9 Generalized Minimum Residual Method
6.2. 10 Minimum residual method for solving equations
6.2. 1 1 preconditioned conjugate gradient method
6.2. 12 Quasi-minimum residual method for solving equations
6.3 eigenvalue and quadratic form
6.3. 1 solutions of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
6.3.2 Improve the calculation accuracy of eigenvalues
6.3.3 Transformation from Complex Diagonal Matrix to Real Diagonal Matrix
Orthogonal foundation
quadratic form
6.4 Grade and linear correlation
6.4. 1 Rank of matrix and vector group and linear correlation of vector group
6.4.2 Find the basis of row ladder matrix and vector group
6.5 Sparse Matrix Technology
Creation of sparse matrix
6.5.2 Transform sparse matrix into full matrix.
6.5.3 Non-zero Element Index of Sparse Matrix
6.5.4 Transform external data into sparse matrix.
Basic sparse matrix
Operation of sparse matrix
6.5.7 Draw the distribution map of non-zero elements of sparse matrix.
matrix transformation
6.5.9 Approximate Euclidean Norm and Condition Number of Sparse Matrix
6.5. 10 sparse matrix decomposition
6.5. Eigenvalue decomposition of11sparse matrix
Chapter VII Numerical Calculation
7. 1 Introduction
7.2 Extreme Point of Function
7.2. 1 Minimum point of unary function
7.2.2 Minimum point of multivariate function
7.3 Find the zero point
7.4 integral
Numerical integration of unary function
Multiple numerical integration
7.5 differences
7.6 differential equation
7.7 curve fitting
7.8 interpolation
7.8. 1 one-dimensional interpolation
Two-dimensional interpolation
7.8.3 actual combat: interpolation m file application exercise
Chapter VIII Professional Numerical Operation
8. 1 cubic spline
8. Basic characteristics of1.1
8. 1.2 piecewise polynomial
8. 1.3 integral
8. 1.4 difference
8.2 Polynomials and Their Operations
8.2. 1 Polynomial Expression and Its Creation
Root of polynomial
8.2.4 Add
8.2.5 Department
derivative product
8.2.7 Valuation
Rational polynomial
8.3 Fourier analysis
8.3. 1 Fast Fourier Transform
Fourier series
Chapter IX Symbolic Calculation
9. 1 symbolic expression
9.2 Symbolic expression operation
9.2. 1 Extract numerator and denominator
Standard algebraic operation
Advanced operation
mental set shifting
Variable substitution
Differential and integral
9.3 Symbolic Expression Diagram
9.4 Simplification and formatting of symbolic expressions
9.5 Variable precision arithmetic operation
9.6 equation solving
9.6. 1 Solving an algebraic equation
Solve algebraic equations
Single differential equation
differential equation
9.7 Linear Algebra and Matrix
9.7. 1 symbol matrix
algebraic operation
Linear algebraic operation
Other features
9.8 Symbol Toolbox Function Summary
Chapter 10 MATLAB programming
10. 1 sequence structure statement
10. 1. 1 expression statement
10. 1.2 assignment statement
10. 1.3 empty statement
10. 1.4 input statement
10. 1.5 output statement
10. 1.6 Saving and restoring variable values
10.2 selection structure
10.2. 1If statement
10. 2. 2 switch statement
10.2.3try statement
10.2.4 nesting of selection statements
10.3 circular structure statement
10. 3. 1 has a ring structure.
10.3.2 circular nesting
10.3.3While loop
10. 3. 4 interrupt statement
10.4 map control flow function overview
10.5 file reading and writing function
10.6 local workspace and basic workspace
10.7 rules and attributes
10.7. 1M file function
10.7.2 variable
10.7.3 function call
Practical application of 10.8MATLAB programming skills
Chapter 1 1 Graphics Processing
1 1. 1 general graphics function command
11.1.1graphic object handle command
1 1. 1.2 Axis Generation and Control Command
1 1. 1.3 graphic handle operation command
1 1. 1.4 Control command of the graphic window
1 1.2 color and lighting mode commands
1 1.2. 1 color control command
1 1.2.2 color chart control command
Chapter 12 Processing Graphics
12. 1 Who needs a handle graphic?
What is a handle graphic object?
12.3 processing objects
12.4 general function acquisition and setting
12.5 looking for an object
12.6 Select an object with the mouse.
12.7 location and unit
12.8 graphic printing
12.9 default attribute
12. 10 is a non-file attribute.
12. 1 1 actual combat of handle graphics
12.11.1homemade cursor shape
12. 1 1.2 Arbitrarily arrange subgraphs and off-axis comments.
12. 1.3 making personalized dual coordinate system
12. 1 1.4 continuous zoom and flight graphics
12. 1 1.5 animation example
12. 1 1.6 surface command to export different surfaces.
12. 1 1.7 texture mapping and surface painting
12. 1 1.8 3D block modeling and coloring
12. 1 1.9 Drag the word object with the mouse.
12. 12 utility function
12. 13 Attribute name and attribute value
12. 14 summary
12. 15 keyword index
Chapter 13 Production of GUI Graphical User Interface
13. 1 reason for creating GUIr
13.2GUI object hierarchy
13.3 menu
13.3. 1 menu layout
13.3.2 Create menus and submenus
13.3.3 menu example
13.3.4 menu properties
13.3.5 menu shortcut keys
13.3.6 menu appearance
13.3.7 color control
13.3.8 menu item disabled
13.3.9 callback property
13.3. 10 actual combat: an example of file m.
13.4 control box
13.4. 1 Create different types of control frames.
13.4.2 control box properties
13.4.3 consideration of control framework layout
13.4.4 actual combat: an example of file m.
13.5 Programming and callback considerations
Chapter 14 Simulink interactive simulation integrated environment
14. 1 boot
14.1.1Simulink startup and interface description
14. 1.2 Composition of the simulation link model window
14.2 model creation
14.2. 1 simulation module
14.2.2 signal line operation
14.2.3 common source library source
14.2.4 public water tank library information water tank
14.3 oscilloscope
14.3. 1 Brief Introduction of Oscilloscope Interface
14.3.2 Manual setting of oscilloscope ordinate range
Application of 14.4Simulink in control system simulation
14.4. 1 control system toolbox
14. 4. 2 Simulink submodule library related to control system simulation.
14.5Simulink instruction set
Chapter 15 MATLAB application development
15. 1 Convert a C or Fortran source program into an M file.
15.2 calling MATLAB in other languages
15.3 the use of MATLAB application interface development tools
15.4 using MATLAB compiler to generate independent external applications.
15.5 calling MATLAB from c or Fortran
Appendix a toolbox function summary
A. 1 statistical toolbox function
A.2 optimizing toolbox functions
A.3 spline toolbox function
A.4 toolbox function for numerical solution of partial differential equations
A.5 writing skills of MATLAB toolbox
Appendix BMATLAB common commands daquan
refer to