With the financial innovation, the types of derivative financial instruments, such as futures and options, which are not actually traded but only the rights or obligations of future economic interests are becoming more and more complex, which may cause drastic changes in the future financial situation and profitability of enterprises. If the risks of such derivative financial instruments are not disclosed, it is likely that users of financial reports will make mistakes in investment and credit. Although China's capital market is not mature at this stage, derivative financial instruments are rare, and the impact on enterprises is not great, we should start research in this area as soon as possible to cooperate with the development and perfection of China's capital market.
Second, the financial analysis report focuses on the disclosure of human resources information.
With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, the limitations of current financial reports focusing on physical assets such as inventory, machinery and equipment are becoming increasingly obvious, mainly manifested in the weakening of the correlation between the value of physical assets and the ability of enterprises to create future cash flows, and even the weakening of the correlation with the current market value of enterprises. Under the current accounting system, the expenditure on manpower, regardless of the amount, is regarded as the current expense, which greatly underestimates the human assets and greatly increases the expenses. This is one of the main reasons why thldl.org.cn, a financial analysis report on current affairs, has been criticized more and more. To solve the problem of human resource information disclosure, it is necessary to study the theory and method of human resource measurement, and further involve the confirmation of human capital and the distribution of benefits arising therefrom, which is very difficult and should be studied as an important subject of accounting discipline.
Three. The financial analysis report mainly discloses the diluted information of shareholders' rights and interests.
With the joint-stock company becoming the mainstream of enterprise organization and the development of securities market, especially the increase and popularization of property rights trading securities caused by financial innovation, the source of shareholders' economic benefits is not limited to company profits, but more from the market price difference of stocks. This makes shareholders very concerned about the market value of stocks. Because the book value of the company's stock is often quite different from the market value of the stock, and the market value of the stock is mostly higher than the book value of the stock (especially in China A-share market), this provides the company's operators with the opportunity to increase profits through equity exchange. For example, when a company issues convertible bonds, it can reduce the bond interest by lowering the conversion price, and the interest expenses reduced due to the reduction in interest rates will be converted into company profits.
Four, the financial analysis report focuses on the disclosure of comprehensive income information of enterprises.
The income in the current financial report is based on the assumption that the currency is unchanged, which is not much different from the comprehensive income when the economic activity is relatively simple and the currency changes little. Users of financial reports can also use this income to make more correct decisions. However, with the complexity of economic activities and frequent changes in market value, the gap between this traditional accounting income and the real comprehensive income of enterprises is widening day by day. In this way, if the traditional accounting income is used as the basis for decision-making, it is possible to make wrong decisions. Comprehensive income includes not only realized and confirmed gains and losses in the current income statement, but also unrealized gains or losses, such as unrealized property revaluation surplus, unrealized business investment gains/losses, foreign currency translation difference of net investment, etc.
In our country, it is of great practical significance for enterprises to disclose comprehensive income, because: First, the market value of our country has changed greatly, and the actual value of assets held by some enterprises, especially old enterprises, is quite different from the value of assets in accounting books. This difference must be an expected profit and loss. Revealing it can reflect the income of enterprises more comprehensively and truly, which is beneficial to the decision-making of investors and lenders. Second, it can effectively curb enterprises to manipulate profits or whitewash performance. It is the most common method to manipulate profits by converting unconfirmed profits and losses into current profits and losses through asset replacement. If comprehensive income report is adopted, it will fundamentally eliminate the possibility of manipulating profits, thus making accounting information more true. Because of this, our country should step up the research in this field and formulate the rules of comprehensive income information disclosure as soon as possible.