To judge the strength of Vanke Garden developers, 1 To know the situation of Vanke Garden developers and project land; 2. It depends on the qualification level of Vanke Garden developers. Qualification is the proof of the strength rating of real estate developers through the registered capital of developers, the successful time of real estate development, the development area and other indicators. 3. Look at the past performance of Vanke Garden developers; 4. For Vanke Garden developers, the development and start-up of the project is very important. 5. Looking at the market share of Vanke Garden developers, there are many projects started by large enterprises in the same period, with a high market share. It is difficult to cope without certain strength; 6. Look at the project progress of Vanke Garden developer. Whether the construction period is guaranteed can also show the strength of the developer.
Vanke Garden Housing Maintenance Fund mainly has two algorithms; 1. Calculated by the total purchase price of Vanke Garden: 2% of the total house price; 2. Calculated according to the construction area of Vanke Garden. Vanke Garden commercial housing in the sale, property buyers and Vanke Garden units should sign the relevant maintenance fund payment agreement. Property buyers should pay the housing maintenance fund to the selling unit according to the ratio of 2-3% of the purchase price of Vanke Garden.
The above information is for reference only. If you have a better answer, please fill it in. If you have any other questions, you can ask them in the Q&A section in the first half. Or contact a broker to answer them. I hope I can help you and wish you a happy purchase!