Because the fund position based on which the net value of the fund is estimated cannot be accurate.
First of all, the quarterly reports of the fund are all at the end of last quarter, and the release time is generally about one month after a quarter, and the data is already 1 month ago.
Secondly, general funds take the initiative to borrow, that is, fund companies can adjust fund assets at any time according to market conditions and their own analysis and judgment, and exchange positions for shares.
The estimated net value of passively managed funds is more referential, because the task of passively managed funds, that is, index funds, is to minimize differences and track the rise and fall of target indexes. From this point of view, index funds don't need to look at the estimated net value, but look at the tracked target index, and roughly know the real-time rise and fall of the fund.
What is the net value of the fund unit?
Let's first look at what the net value of the fund means. Fund net value, also called fund unit net value, refers to the net value of each fund unit. It is related to the price of open-end funds at the time of purchase and redemption, and it is also the key to whether lenders are profitable. For example, the net value of the fund is greater than 1, and the part after deducting 1 is its own profit; On the contrary, it is a loss.
Let's take a look at what is the net value of a fund unit. The net value of a fund unit can be calculated according to the following formula: net value of the fund = (total assets of the fund-total liabilities)/number of shares issued by the fund. The net value of the fund unit determines the daily purchase/redemption price of the open-end fund. After the market closes on that day, the Exchange will make statistics on the total number of fund shares, calculate the net value of fund shares on that day by using the formula, and announce it before the opening of the next day.
The specific principles for estimating the net value of the fund are as follows: 1. Listed stocks and bond funds shall be calculated according to the closing price of the day, and if there is no transaction on the day, it shall be calculated according to the closing price of the latest trading day.
2. Unlisted stocks are calculated at cost price.
3. Unlisted government bonds and unexpired time deposits are calculated according to the accrued interest plus principal on the valuation date.
4. In case of special circumstances, the fund manager has the right to handle it according to relevant regulations.
Net worth estimation-Baidu Encyclopedia
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