Buy funds every day and operate frequently. Many people will always pay attention to whether their funds have gone up or down. If they go up, they will dance happily. If they have gone down, they will be very sad and will change funds. This practice is a misunderstanding, because fund financing is not stock trading, and the fund is that we give money to the fund manager and let him invest in stocks, so there is no need to pay attention all the time.
Moreover, the fund is basically a medium-and long-term investment tool with small short-term fluctuations. Moreover, there is a fee for subscription and redemption every time the position is transferred. Frequent job transfer will not only make money, but also increase costs. Therefore, when managing funds, remember not to look at it every day and operate it diligently.
I am hesitant to buy a fund, so I have to wait for a good opportunity to bargain-hunting. Many people feel that there is still room for growth when they see the fund rising, and they have been hesitating. When I fell, I thought I might lose money, so I suffered from loss and finally failed to seize the good opportunity. In fact, this practice is not correct. Because buying a fund is investment rather than speculation, it is unwise to wait as long as the time is right.
Don't care about the type of fund, only care about high returns. There are many kinds of funds, with the same risk and return. Money funds are generally low-risk and low-return, while stock funds are high-risk and high-return. If investors have strong anti-risk ability, they can start with some high-risk and high-yield stock funds. If investors pursue stable returns, they can start with more monetary funds. In short, when buying a fund, you must buy it according to your own situation, and don't blindly follow suit.
I have no bottom line and no profit-taking point of the fund. Many people don't set a profit-taking point for themselves when buying funds, which is unwise, because the market changes greatly and buying funds is also risky. There are gains and losses when buying a fund. When a fund achieves our ideal return, we need to consider changing positions, so as to reduce the risk of investment and make ourselves more mature in investment.
To sum up, when purchasing funds for financial management, we must be rational and cautious, don't be timid, avoid the misunderstanding of the above investment funds, and make our investment more valuable.