according to the latest statistics of flush iFinD, the fund news department of Securities Daily reported that as of last weekend, 353 actively managed partial stock funds under 45 fund companies disclosed their annual reports, with a total profit of 15.754 billion yuan, an increase of 186.6% compared with 212. The net asset value of the fund totaled 742.53 billion yuan, a slight decrease of 1.29% compared with 212. "The doubling of stock-based profits last year was in sharp contrast to the slight decrease in asset size, which significantly improved its weighted average net profit margin." The above fund analysts said.
The annual report of the fund shows that there are 328 stock-based weighted average net profit margins that account for more than 9%, among which the weighted average net profit margins of 96 funds exceed 2%, and the index data of the top 5 funds all exceed 25%; In 212, the weighted average net profit rate exceeded 2% in only 6, of which 2 exceeded 25%.