As of February 26, 2021, the net value of Xingquan Trend Investment Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF) 163402 fund is 1.0780 yuan.
The calculation formula is: Net value of fund units = total net assets/fund shares.
Regardless of the type of fund, the total amount of the fund will be divided into several equal integer portions when it is first issued, and each portion is a "fund unit."
During the operation of the fund, the price of fund units will change with changes in fund asset value and income.
In order to more accurately price and quote funds, so that the fund price can more accurately reflect the true value of the fund, it is necessary to estimate the actual value represented by each fund unit at a certain point in time, and calculate the valuation result in terms of net asset value.
Extended information: Funds often diversify their investment in various investment tools in the securities market, such as stocks, bonds, etc. Since the market prices of these assets are constantly changing, only the net asset value of unit funds is recalculated daily to reflect the fund's performance in a timely manner.
investment value.
The valuation principles of fund assets are as follows: 1. Listed stocks and bonds are calculated based on the closing price on the calculation day. If there is no transaction on that day, the calculation is based on the closing price on the most recent trading day.
2. Unlisted stocks are calculated at their cost price.
3. Unlisted treasury bonds and unmatured time deposits are calculated based on the principal plus the accrued interest on the valuation date.
4. If it is impossible or inappropriate to determine the value of assets in accordance with the above provisions under special circumstances, the fund manager shall handle it in accordance with relevant national regulations.