Acceptance Bill Number = Acceptance Bill Number Import Receipt Number
Account = account number
Alternating current = Accept acceptance
Acc = acceptance, accepted acceptance, commitment
Account account = account account
Ackmt = confirmation, receipt [/color]
A/d = overdue payment (bill)
Advice notice (book)
Adervall. = Ad valorem tax (based on value).
airway bill
Agt。 agent
AI = first class
AM = amendment
Airmail transfer
Amount. = amount
arrival notice
accounts payable
A/P = right to purchase.
Accounts receivable
Clause = clause, item
A/S = account sales list
Pay within a time limit after sight.
Match various colors.
Pay attention, pay attention
Av。 , a/v = average, average
Pay at sight.
DD/A = D/A, D/P after acceptance.
= acceptance documents, = attached documents, prepare acceptance documents.
= deposit account number
D/A = the day after acceptance ... the day after acceptance.
Debit notice payment report
Documentary draft
D/d = date (days after the date) ... a few days after the ticket is issued.
No-load freight (ship)
CD. = discount; give a discount
DLT = daily telegraph
D/N = debit advice
D/O = delivery note unloading notice
D/P = D/P.
Debit debtor
Payment should be made 30 days after sight ... a few days after sight.
DV = dividend
Eea。 = each
E. e. e. e = Except for errors.
E/B = Export-Import Bank of the United States
Enclosed with the letter enclosed with the letter = enclosure accessories
E. & Errors and omissions other than errors or omissions.
Estimated time of arrival Scheduled date of arrival
Exodus = example, execution, exchange, excerpt example, execution, foreign exchange, abstract
Exp。 export
General quality, good quality
Free on board
foreign exchange
The whole container is full.
F.d. is not responsible for free unloading.
F. & Freight and demurrage
Free on board at the port of loading.
Free access. Neither side is responsible for loading and unloading the cargo ship.
The ship is not responsible for loading, unloading, storage and closing.
The unloading ship is not responsible.
F. o. f. o = firm offer within a specified period.
It's free.
Delivery by rail, delivery by road
ex ship delivery
Free on truck price
F.P.A. = Not included in particular average.
France, slave, free franc, slave, free.
foreign exchange
GG = OK, goods, Grammy, goods, one gram.
G/A = general average * * * general average
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) [an international treaty signed in 1947 with the object of lowering tariffs and expanding world trade
General motors. = gram
High-quality goods suitable for trading.
Good marketable quality
G/N = bill guarantee
Total transport weight
Gross weight = gross weight
International Air Transport Association (IATA)
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
I/c = inbound collection import collection
ICC = International Chamber of Commerce
International draft
Imp = import
Interest = interest
IMF = International Monetary Fund
This month's = this month's instant (this month)
Inside = interest
Invoice. = invoice invoice
I owe you an iou.
Insurance policy
I/R = inward remittance
ISIC = International Standard Industrial Classification
It ... = Project engineering
Kk。 = Carat (carat) Kara (pure gold content)
Kg。 = Bucket, kg Laughter, kg
KW = kW
LL/A = Power of Attorney
Pounds. = pound pound
Letter of credit = letter of credit
L/h = general pledge right.
L/I = indemnity guarantee.
L/G = letter of guarantee
Long ton = long ton (2240 pounds)
letter telegram
limited liability company
L/U = commitment letter
Mile, meter, mark, month, minute, meridian (noon) mile, meter, mark, month, minute, noon.
M/d = monthly payment after the issue date.
Memo memorandum
Marine insurance policy
Miscellaneous = other miscellaneous
M/L = more or less increase or decrease.
M/N = minimum amount
Draft appropriation bill, draft, draft
M/s = months after sight.
Mail boat, mail boat, oil tanker
Metric ton, remittance metric ton, remittance metric ton
M/T = mail delivery
Motorized vessel
multinational corporation
Pay attention, pay attention
Number = number
N/p = payment refused.
New Taiwan dollar Weight = net weight
O.= order order
O. bill of lading = indicative bill of lading
Land public points that can usually be reached by land transportation.
Export collection
Oh, my god overdraw
O/d = overdraft, immediate overdraft, immediate payment (draft)
Order number = order number
Open policy reservation policy
O/R = Remittance
Ordinary telegram
O/s = on sale, out of stock on sale, out of stock.
O/S = old-fashioned
Old condition
Oz = oz
PP/A, p/a = average particle size.
Pa = power of attorney
private account
Every year, every year.
Petty cash percentage
Partial loss
Page (abbreviation of page) & accident insurance for protection and compensation
Page (abbreviation of page) & ampL. = profit and loss, gains and losses
postal order
Part number = promissory note
post-office box (POB)
Pay on delivery.
cash on delivery
Payment instruction payment instruction
P/R = parcel receipt
Same as proximo = proximo (next month) next month
PS。 =postscript restart
Horn. = Pint Pint
Please turn it over and look in.
PTL = private contact line service telegraph line service
Quality quality
Qr = Quarter
Quantity = quantity quantity
Quotation quotation
Qy = wharf
Recd = receipt received
Recpt = receipt receipt
References. = reference reference, about
RFWD = rain and fresh water damage insurance
Remittance. remittance
Ready-made money, ready-made reserve fund
RM = remittance
Power of attorney for remittance
Please inform me immediately if you reply to the paid, reply or prepaid electricity bill.
Ratio rate
Ss. a. =- statement of account
Subject to approval (approval).
Sales contract = sales contract
demand draft
S/d = seawater damage
SD。 = Miscellaneous miscellaneous
SE。 = Securities collateral
Serial number = shipment notice shipment notice
S.o.s.o. = shipping document, shipping notice with seller's option, and the seller has the right to choose.
A steamboat.
short ton
Telegraph address registration
Tgm = telegram
T. l. o. = total loss only protects the loss (no compensation).
telegraphic transfer
trust receipt
telegraphic transfer
Theft, theft and loss clause
Uult。 =ultimo (last month) last month
U/w = insurer
Voy. = voyage
vice versa
W.P.A. = W.P.A. (particular average compensation)
War = risk guarantees all risks.
Waybill, warehouse receipt, waybill, warehouse receipt.
Wgt = weight
Whf = wharf
W/M = weight or measured weight or capacity
W.p.a. = particular average compensation
war risk insurance
Warehouse receipt
Wt = weight weight
XX = good quality, good quality
XXX = Very good quality, very good quality.
XXXX = Best Quality Best Quality
Yd。 = code code
Yr。 = Yours, Year Yours, Year.
Z = area of area
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