Because the same trains are also divided into different grades. For example, some ordinary trains, high-speed trains and high-speed trains are all trains.
But their speeds and riding comfort are also different, so the ticket prices must be different too.
Even if we choose the same train, the fare will be different, because for ordinary trains, it has hard seats, soft seats, sleepers and soft sleepers. The fares are all different, so
Even if we choose the same train, the fare will be different.
In this way, when we buy tickets by train, we can buy train tickets with different fares according to our own economic situation, but the destination we arrive at is the same, and even the train we take is the same.
In fact, we should feel very satisfied now, because now we can not only take ordinary trains, but if we are in a hurry, we can also choose high-speed trains and high-speed rails. Although the ticket price is slightly more expensive, the time has really improved a lot
When I take the train, I usually arrange it like this. If I have something very urgent, I don’t have to think about it. I will definitely buy a high-speed rail or high-speed train ticket immediately. Time is money!
Moreover, there are now so many high-speed trains and high-speed trains. You no longer have to wait for several hours to get to the train station like before. Now you can buy a ticket and get on the train at any time in many places.
But if the matter is not very urgent, I would rather choose to take an ordinary train. Not only is the ticket price very cheap, but sitting on an ordinary train also gives you a very leisurely feeling.
In fact, I think sometimes traveling on the train is also a kind of travel. I like to sit in the window seat and stare at the scenery outside the window in a daze.