First, determine whether your investment goal is high risk and high return (such as yield 10%, fluctuation of 20%), low risk and low return (such as yield of 4%, fluctuation 1%), or something in between or even more extreme. For 99% of people, there are no low-risk and high-yield investment options, and only 1% of people with extremely high technology (one in a million) or inside information may have low-risk and high-yield investment options (such as yield 10%, up and down by 5%). Such people don't need to look at my advice.
After the target is determined, choose the corresponding fund: for example, low-risk and low-return stock selection base, medium-risk and medium-return debt base, high-risk and high-return stock selection base or QDII. Then choose the products with the most reliable technology of fund managers among the corresponding types of funds, mainly to observe the long-term (more than 5 years) performance. Funds with data less than 5 years are difficult to judge, and non-professionals suggest avoiding them.
2. Is the comparison between fixed investment and ordinary purchase the same? If not, what is the difference?
Fixed investment is a long-term investment, so we must be careful not to start on impulse or end on impulse. Because a small change will accumulate for many years, that's all. The selection has been established for a long time and its performance has been stable for a long time (more than 5 years) (in most years, the market fell slightly when it fell, and rose slightly when it rose; There may be a few exceptions, otherwise it may not exist), products with moderate returns (7%- 10%).