1. Sponsor and operating agency: China Education Funding Network is hosted by Shaanxi Fuzhi Charity Foundation and is fully operated by Xi'an Lier Brand Marketing Planning Co., Ltd.
The organizer is a charitable foundation with a certain sense of social responsibility and public welfare.
The entrusted operating agency has rich experience and professional knowledge and can effectively manage and operate the education funding platform.
2. Open and transparent operation: China Education Funding Network is described as an open and transparent private charity student aid organization and a socialized education funding platform.
The operation method is open and transparent, and relevant information and data can be provided to the public.
Open and transparent operations increase an organization's credibility and reliability.
3. Provide diversified student aid services: China Education Aid Network provides a variety of student aid services such as one-to-one student aid, online tuition assistance, and special aid for needy students.
Committed to meeting the educational financing needs of different student groups and providing personalized help.
Diversified student assistance services can increase the reliability of the organization and provide broader and more comprehensive support.