Another kind of parent fund is the money fund, which is divided into two times more shares and two times equal empty shares, or every three parent funds are divided into two times more empty shares 1 and 1, which can be regarded as low-leverage mini stock index futures.
Data expansion
Compared with the financing graded fund, the formulas for calculating the net leverage and price leverage of the index graded long-short leverage share are the same as those of the financing graded fund, so the risk is the same as that of the financing graded leverage share, but there is no need to pay the financing cost of long-short leverage share and short leverage share.
Leveraged ETF is essentially an ETF fund. Leveraged ETF is mainly realized by derivative stock index futures, and the profit and loss of fund assets are realized by long or short stock index futures. Product development and operation need a certain cost, and the operating cost of leveraged ETF is higher than that of long-short classification. However, multi-spatial classification is realized by product structure classification, and the operation and development cost is relatively low.