Rape Trap / Far Ben Ruthless / Rape Trap (1998) Plot: In order to obtain a fund in his parents' name, Chinese-American Huang Li De (Anthony Wong) returned to the mainland to find a woman for a fake marriage.
Li Shanshan (Cai Shaofen)'s boyfriend Liang Zhenhua (Tse Tianhua) asked his girlfriend to fake a marriage with Huang Li De in order to raise funds to open a restaurant. In order to help her boyfriend raise money to start the business, she reluctantly agreed.
On their wedding night, Huang Li De faked the truth and used his legal status to rape Shanshan, but later broke his promise.
Liang Zhenhua went to find Huang Lide to settle accounts, but accidentally missed and seriously injured him.
In order to cover up the facts, Liang sneaked into the hospital and killed Wang.
Shanshan also turned from a victim to a murderer. The court sentenced Li Shanshan to death for intentional homicide and absconding in fear of crime.