Ordinary multiple choice questions:
It is generally more common to choose the correct answer among the four general options.
Comprehensive multiple choice questions:
Generally, there are options with I, II, III and IV, and then they are combined. The combination form is divided into four options and then selected, which is more difficult than ordinary multiple-choice questions. Candidates need to be careful and be good at discovering, summarizing and summarizing.
Comprehensive multiple choice questions:
According to a passage, to answer the following three multiple-choice questions, candidates need to read the materials carefully and fully explore the information given in the materials. In summary, candidates should pay attention to the examination of the stem of the question when answering questions, and don't read the meaning wrong.
The number of questions in the fund qualification examination:
The examination is conducted in the form of closed-book computer examination. The number of questions in each subject 100, and the score of each question 1. The total score 100, 60 is the qualified score line.
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