Structured Fund, also known as "structured fund", refers to a fund variety with two levels (or multiple levels) of risk-return performance with a certain differentiated fund share by decomposing the fund income or net assets under a portfolio. Its main feature is to divide the fund products into two or more types of shares and give different income distribution respectively. The sum of the products of the net value of each sub-fund of the graded fund and the share ratio is equal to the net value of the parent fund. For example, the net value of the parent fund split into two types of shares = the net value of class A sub-base X A share%+the net value of class B sub-base X B share%. If the parent fund is not split, it is a general fund.
Leveraged class b fund
Leverage principle of B-class leverage share: We should understand B-class share leverage, net value leverage and price leverage of graded index funds.
Many people only know that Class B funds are called leveraged funds, but the concept of leverage is unclear or confusing. Some people call net leverage "actual leverage", while others call price leverage "actual leverage". It is necessary to understand the concepts and formulas of Class B share leverage, net value leverage and price leverage of graded index funds.
Financing classification: share leverage = (A share +B share) /B share.
Net leverage = (parent fund net value /B share net value) × share leverage
Price leverage = (parent fund net value /B share price) × share leverage
Long and short classification: share leverage = agreed coefficient (such as 2 times,-/kloc-0 times, -2 times, etc.). )
Net leverage = (parent fund net value /B share net value) × share leverage
Price leverage = (parent fund net value /B share price) × share leverage
Real-time net value of index parent fund = yesterday's net value of parent fund x( 1+ position of the index tracked) (the position is generally 95%)
Real-time net value of class B financing leverage = (real-time net value of parent fund-class A net value x class A ratio)/class B ratio.
= [yesterday's net value of the parent fund X( 1+X index position tracked)-class A net value x class A proportion]/class B proportion.
Real-time net value of long and short category B = 1+ (real-time net value of parent fund-1) X share leverage.
When the falling distance of the parent fund from the downward conversion point is greater than 10% (note: Shenwan Enterprising has no discount, except Yin Hua H shares B).
1: 1 split financing sustainable reasonable transaction price of class b = real-time net value of class b+1- corresponding to agreed rate of return of class a/market recognized rate of return;
4.6 The reasonable transaction price of split financing sustainable Class B = Class B real-time net value +2/3( 1- corresponding to Class A agreed rate of return/market recognized rate of return).
Bear market should try not to buy B-level funds.