2, but it also has its own distinct personality in three aspects: first, it can be listed and traded on the exchange, and investors can buy and sell ETF shares directly on the stock exchange like trading a single stock or closed-end fund; Second, ETF is basically an index-type open-end fund, but compared with the existing index-type open-end fund, its biggest advantage is that it is listed on the exchange and the transaction is very convenient; Third, its purchase and redemption also has its own characteristics. Investors can only subscribe or redeem ETFs with a basket of stocks corresponding to the index, but not with existing open-end funds for cash subscription and redemption.
3.ETF's portfolio usually completely replicates the underlying index, and its net performance is highly consistent with the specific index pegged. For example, the net performance of SSE 50ETF is highly consistent with the rise and fall of SSE 50 index.
4. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are open-ended securities investment fund products listed and traded on exchanges, and the trading procedures are exactly the same as those of stocks. The assets managed by ETF are stock portfolios. The types of stocks in this portfolio are the same as those in a specific index, such as the SSE 50 Index, and the number of each stock is consistent with the proportion of the constituent stocks of this index. The transaction price of ETF depends on the value of its stock portfolio, that is, "the net asset value of unit fund".
5.ETF is a mixed special fund, which overcomes the shortcomings of closed-end funds and open-end funds and combines the advantages of both. ETF can track specific indexes, such as SSE 50 Index; Unlike open-end funds, ETF uses a basket of index stocks to purchase and redeem fund shares; Etfs can be listed and traded on exchanges. ETF is easy to understand and highly accepted by the market. Since the first ETF product of 1993 was launched in the United States, ETF has developed rapidly in the world. Since 10, more than 280 ETFs have been launched in 12 countries (regions) around the world, and the assets under management have reached more than $2 10 billion.