The last month's fund can only be held for one month at most.
The monetary fund's income value is 3.5%.
Then calculate the amount of the fixed investment from each month to the end of the year.
300 10.5 3 10.5
300 9.625 309.625
300 8.75 308.75
300 7.875 307.875
300 7 307
300 6. 125 306. 125
300 5.25 305.25
300 4.375 304.375
300 3.5 303.5
300 2.625 302.625
300 1.75 30 1.75
300 0.875 300.875
The total term is 12 months, and the principal is 300* 12=3600 yuan. If the value of the income part is 3.5%, the final principal is about 3670 yuan. If the income is better, it will reach about 3700.
Income is about 100 yuan.