Equity transactions are mainly equity transfer transactions between equity holders and investors who intend to hold equity. Generally, there are cash transactions, share or asset replacement transactions, etc. Stock trading of listed companies refers to buying and selling stocks that have been issued and listed among stock investors at market prices. At present, there are only two stock exchanges in Chinese mainland, namely Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
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A stock exchange has the following functions:
1. financing function: provide fast, efficient and low-cost financing for growth enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, high-tech enterprises and private equity funds.
2. Investment function: provide investors with multi-transaction varieties with high investment value and use convenient access.
3. Trading function: provide a platform for the listing and trading of shares and private equity funds of the two companies, and form a strong market pricing ability through a unique electronic trading system.
4. Normative function: Establish a feasible information disclosure system and market credit system for small and medium-sized enterprises, increase the transparency of listed enterprises, improve market effectiveness and reduce market risks.
5. Incubation and screening function: Through process market financing, transaction and standardized information disclosure, continuous and personalized high-moral service and governance, listed companies can be familiar with the rules of the capital market, improve the corporate governance structure, form a reasonable growth strategy, and enhance their core competitiveness, so as to achieve rapid growth. Through process market-oriented screening mechanism, high-quality and mature listed reserve enterprises can be continuously screened and delivered for the main board market, SME board market, GEM market and overseas stock exchanges.
Baidu encyclopedia-property right transaction
Baidu encyclopedia-stock right transaction