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Although tax-deferred pension insurance currently faces many challenges, due to the long payment period of tax-deferred pension insurance, it is conducive to insurance companies to give full play to their long-term capital management advantages and consolidate the spread of tax-deferred pension insurance products. Therefore, it will continue to contribute to insurance companies’ profits in the future.
End brings increment.
Analyst Zuo Xinran said that from the perspective of incremental funds, tax-deferred pension insurance will bring a billion-level increase in funds to the secondary market in 2019; from the perspective of income, listed insurance companies in 2019 will benefit from the policy
Premiums increased by 6.4% and new business value increased by 3.8%.
Although the increase is small, as the number of policyholders increases, per capita income increases and the demographic structure changes, the increase in investment assets that tax-deferred pension insurance can contribute will further expand.