Funds are determined by the number of shares, while stocks are just the opposite, and shares are determined by the amount.
The unit price of the fund is very small, usually around one dollar, at most a few dollars.
Many stocks are dozens, dozens or even hundreds, and at least 100 shares are traded at a time.
Usually, the stock prices of some good stocks are not low, and many of them are rotten stocks (some are expensive, and the unit price of good stocks is not high, but this situation is rare), which will lead to thousands and tens of thousands of pieces of a good stock at a time, such as Maotai, which is hundreds of pieces per share and tens of thousands of pieces per hand, and few people can afford it.
Moreover, OTC funds can automatically set fixed investment deduction, and stocks need to be bought manually every time.
These technically limit the difficulty of fixed investment in stocks, and it is easy for funds to make fixed investment.
From the risk point of view, the stock can fall to the end, and it is difficult for the fund to have such a situation.
When it comes to the stock of Changsheng Bio (002680), it can go up in a straight line at the beginning of the year, and it began to plummet in mid-July, so it will be delisted. Isn't it killing you to vote for it?