Does that mean you have retinoblastoma? Retinoblastoma (RB) is related to RB gene. According to Japanese statistics, 1/3 of RB is hereditary, and the other 2/3 is non-hereditary, which is caused by gene mutation, and this kind of Rb is generally non-hereditary. Hereditary RB gene is located in 12q- 14, which is often accompanied by systemic abnormalities of different severity according to the size of chromosome deletion fragments. The main manifestations are mental retardation and developmental retardation, as well as microcephaly, wide leg spacing, protruding eyebrow arch, small eyes, low ear position, congenital heart disease and abnormalities of gallbladder, kidney and intestine. Children with bilateral hereditary retinoblastoma have a 50% chance of getting sick; A patient with unilateral retinoblastoma and no family history has only 5% chance of getting sick in the next generation. Bilateral retinoblastoma patients, the next generation of their healthy brothers or children, still have a 2-6% chance of getting sick.
Shanghai changzheng hospital-treatment center for orbital diseases and eye tumors-chief physician Wei Ruili
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