Wang Ping 'an and others had an accident when they went to dig lotus roots. He was hired. The person who hired him said that he had been digging lotus roots for many years, so when Wang Pingan worked, he did it not by himself, but with others. The lotus pond is not deep and there is little possibility that someone else will have an accident.
Wang Pingan is looking for Wu Linglong, a wealth fund, to recover 500 million yuan. Another handler related to 500 million yuan died, and now something has happened to Wang Pingan. If it is only this 500 million yuan, it should not be an accident. Wang Pingan made Jingzhou Securities lose 654.38+05 billion yuan in two years. The combination of these two events is the key to his accident, because Wang Pingan can't be investigated. If he is investigated, more than 500 million will be over.
The loss of Wang Pingan10.50 billion will not be investigated. Why can Lin let him go? When Wang Pingan dies outside, Wu Linglong can kill the normal investment relationship between them. All other clues were cut off, and the boss behind the scenes was safe, so Wang Pingan was basically destroyed.