What is the significance of its existence?
There are 24 member states (as of December 1992): Algeria, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Brazil, Peru, Philippines, Colombia, Ghana, Gabon, Cote d'Ivoire, Lebanon, Mexico, Yugoslavia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Syria, Special
Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Guatemala, India, Iran and Congo (DRC) The International Monetary Fund (English: International Monetary Fund, referred to as: IMF) was established on December 27, 1945. Together with the World Bank, it is one of the world's
One of the two major financial institutions, its responsibility is to monitor currency exchange rates and trade conditions of various countries, provide technical and financial assistance, and ensure the normal operation of the global financial system; its headquarters is in Washington.
The "Special Drawing Rights" we often hear was created by this organization in 1969.