Investors can purchase fund products through banks or other fund sales platforms. Due to different selection methods, the redemption operation is also different. How can South Cash Connect E be redeemed?
how can I redeem Southern Cash Connect E?
the fund will be redeemed where it is purchased, and it will be redeemed in the bank support channel when it is purchased in the bank, and it cannot be redeemed in our direct trading account. Since November 12, 215, the maximum amount of the accumulated subscription of Class E shares in each fund account in a single day is 1 million yuan (inclusive).
when will the redemption of Southern Cash Connect E arrive?
warm reminder: the time mentioned above refers to the trading day of the stock exchange. When you redeem it, that day is T (it needs to be before 15 o'clock, the same below). For example, the money will be redeemed before 15: on Monday, that is, T-day on Monday, and T+1-day on Tuesday.
redemption rate of south cashpass e:
management rate (year): .25%
custody rate (year): .5%
sales service fee (year): .25%.