It is easier to see opportunities in the plunge, especially at present, there is still a gap of about 5% from buying in large quantities. When the opportunity comes, you will earn much more money than you have lost now. Let the money soothe her inner sense of loss.
From the investment direction, funds can be divided into several categories: money funds, bond funds, hybrid funds and equity funds.
1, stock funds and hybrid funds mainly invest in the stock market, and the risks are self-evident.
2. Bond funds are also subdivided into pure debt base, primary debt base, secondary debt base and convertible bond base. The primary debt base and secondary debt base allow a small amount of funds (0-20%) to invest in the stock market. Convertible bonds are bonds that can be converted into stocks, which are volatile and risky. Even if it is a pure debt base that does not invest in the stock market, there will be a risk of loss in the short term in the case of adverse fluctuations in the bond market.
3. Money funds are short-term bonds with AAA credit rating, and even most of them invest in bank deposits, and there is almost no possibility of loss. In the history of monetary funds in China, only two funds lost money in one day, but they made up the loss the next day.