If you want to repay the loan in advance, you can notify the bank and only repay the principal. After the principal is repaid, your monthly payment will be recalculated. If you have the repayment ability, reducing the repayment period will definitely be beneficial to you. In this way, the monthly repayment amount is higher, but there are fewer repayment periods and less interest paid to the bank.
Individuals can choose to use the provident fund to repay the loan at a monthly fee. Don't shorten the repayment period, repay part in advance and recalculate the repayment amount. If your monthly repayment amount is equal to or less than that of 650 yuan, you will continue to repay the loan from the provident fund according to this standard. You don't need to pay for the repayment yourself, but use the provident fund to pay it back. Repayment by the average capital method is easier to calculate.
Of course, you should pay attention to the change of interest to prevent the situation that the provident fund is not enough, or save some money in your account to avoid forgetting that the change of interest will cause default.