What are the goals or purposes of the three pillars of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and GATT?
The purposes of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are: to provide necessary institutions for member countries to consult and cooperate on international monetary issues and promote international cooperation; Promote the balanced development of international trade; Promote the stability of exchange rates in various countries; Establish a multilateral payment and exchange system for commercial transactions; Funding Member States; Strive to reduce the imbalance of international payments among member States. The main purpose of the World Bank is to promote productive investment. To assist the revival and development of member States; Promoting private foreign investment through guarantee or participation; Encourage the development of production resources and promote international trade. The mission of the International Monetary Fund (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/zh/2/2f/Imfstr2.GIF) is to provide assistance to countries facing serious economic difficulties. For countries with serious fiscal deficits, the fund may provide financial assistance and even help manage national finances. The recipient countries need to carry out reforms (see Washington). The role of the International Monetary Fund is an auditor, whose job is to record the trade figures and debts between countries and to preside over the formulation of international monetary and economic policies. As for the World Bank, it mainly provides long-term loans. The World Bank works like an investment bank, issuing bonds to companies, individuals or governments and lending the proceeds to recipient countries. The International Monetary Fund was established to stabilize the currencies of various countries and supervise the foreign exchange market. Since the IMF is not a bank, it will not lend. However, the International Monetary Fund has reserves for the country to borrow and stabilize the currency in the short term; The practice is similar to current account overdraft. The borrowed money must be repaid within five years.