2. Unconfirmed subscription (including transfer-in) was returned to investors by the sales organization from April 20 15 to April 20 15.
Case 1: If you buy Baifa 100E fund with the confirmed share in your wallet, there will be a proportional allotment, and the part T+1(April T+ 1(4) that you didn't buy will be returned to your wallet; If you use the ready-to-use share in your wallet to buy Baifa 100E Fund, the money you didn't buy will be returned to your bank card within t+2 (April 15) working days.
Case 2: Baifa 100E Fund was directly purchased with a bank card, and the money purchased through the agency channel was returned on T+3 (16 April), and the money purchased through the direct channel was returned to the bank card on T+2 (15 April) working days.