But index fund is another fund type, in which the size of the fund is more important than the fund manager. Behind this index fund, in fact, it is their own stock selection, and there are few things that fund managers can do. The larger the scale, the better the operation of index funds. But if the scale is very small, then there is really no need for this index fund to exist, and there may even be the risk of liquidation. Therefore, for index funds, the size of the fund is more important, but the role of fund managers is not so great. Because in this index fund, there is no need for fund managers to operate.
Therefore, the fund size is more important in index funds. There are few things that the fund manager of index fund can do, and he doesn't have to choose his own stocks. Because this index fund chooses its own stocks, there are very few things that the fund manager can do at this time, which means that its operating space has become smaller, so the role of the fund manager will also become smaller, which means that the fund size is more important.