Hybrid fund: a mutual fund, which includes growth stocks, stocks with expected annualized returns, and fixed investment with expected annualized returns such as bonds.
Monetary fund is an open-end fund that collects idle social funds, is operated by fund managers and kept by fund custodians. It specializes in investing in risk-free money market instruments, which is different from other types of open-end funds. It has the characteristics of high security, high liquidity, stable expected annualized income and "quasi-savings".
Equity fund refers to a fund in which more than 60% of fund assets are invested in stocks.
Bond funds, also known as bond funds, refer to funds that specialize in investing in bonds. By pooling the funds of many investors, we can make portfolio investment in bonds and seek stable expected annualized returns. According to the classification standard of China Securities Regulatory Commission, bond funds refer to funds with more than 80% of fund assets invested in bonds.