Subscription fee: the subscription rate is 0.6%
Confirmed amount = subscription amount /( 1+ subscription rate)
Subscription fee = confirmed amount * subscription rate
For example, if you buy 1 0,000 yuan before 15 on the trading day, and the share is confirmed on the second trading day, the unit net value on the trading day is 1 yuan, then this purchase is calculated according to the net value of 1 yuan.
Confirmed amount = subscription amount /( 1+ subscription rate) =10000/(1+0.6%) = 9940.4 yuan.
Handling fee = purchase amount-confirmed amount = 10000-9940.4=59.6 yuan?
Purchase share = confirmed amount/unit net value =9940.4/ 1=9940.4.
Withdrawal fee: calculated according to the holding time, within one year, the fee is 0.5%; 1-2 years, with a handling fee of 0.25%; The handling fee for more than 2 years is 0.
For example, if the holding time is less than 1 year, and 100 copies are withdrawn before 15 on the trading day, and the withdrawal amount is confirmed on the second trading day, and the unit net value on the trading day is 1, then the unit net value of this withdrawal is calculated as 1 yuan.
Withdrawal amount = withdrawal share * unit net value =100 *1=100 yuan.
Handling fee = withdrawal amount *0.5%= 100*0.5%=0.5 yuan.
Withdrawal confirmation amount = withdrawal amount-handling fee = 100-0.5=99.5 yuan.