1. Low risk: Compared with other investment products, the risk of Phoenix Dan Cong is relatively low, because it reduces the risk through various risk management methods for the basic assets.
2. Stable income: Phoenix Dan Cong invests its funds in various asset classes, which helps to reduce risks and improve the stability of income.
3. Tax incentives: Phoenix Dan Cong usually does not need to tax its subscribers, so it can increase its assets more quickly.
Disadvantages of Phoenix Dan Cong:
1. There are many restrictions: Phoenix has some restrictions, such as the subscription amount of a single investor and the asset size of a single fund.
2. Weak ability: Phoenix Dan Cong is usually managed by a fund management company, and the ability of the management team may not be as good as self-management.
3. Risk diversification: Phoenix Dan Cong reduces risks by investing funds in various asset classes, but this may lead to a lower rate of return compared with some individual components.