Social welfare organizations are non-governmental voluntary social intermediary organizations dedicated to social welfare undertakings and solving various social problems, such as the Red Cross Foundation of China.
The public welfare nature of the foundation is reflected in three aspects: first, the foundation originates from donations and is an institutionalized and organized form of public welfare donations; second, the foundation has a clear public welfare purpose; third, the foundation The foundation has a clear public welfare purpose and benefits specific groups and society as a whole through various project activities. The public welfare determines that the foundation is essentially a social welfare organization.
As a basic social organization and institutional form, foundations are different from governments, enterprises, and general non-profit organizations. They are public welfare, non-profit, non-governmental and fund trust. Basic characteristics of the foundation.
The difference between public welfare social organizations and public welfare trusts:
1. Different subject status
Public welfare social organizations adopt the form of public welfare legal persons or partnerships As well as individual forms, legally, it can be an independent organization. A public welfare trust only represents a legal relationship created by the trustor placing trust property under the control of the trustee for a specific public welfare purpose.
No matter whether the trustee of a public welfare trust is a legal person or another form of subject, or whether the trustee has ownership or management rights over the trust property, the public welfare trust itself only indicates a relationship or a behavior rather than An organizational body.
2. Different restrictions
In the legal relationship of a public trust, the trustee is restricted by the property management methods and uses stipulated in the trust agreement. The court, beneficiaries and other interested parties have relatively more rights to intervene in the behavior of the trustee, and can even obtain the right to enforce the trust property through direct litigation against the trustee. Public welfare social organizations are less subject to interference and restrictions from donors, beneficiaries, their stakeholders, courts, etc.