Different funds have different investment risks, so investors can choose suitable funds according to their risk tolerance. Low-risk funds refer to funds with relatively small investment losses. What are the low-risk funds? Let's take a look at it.
what kinds of low-risk funds are there?
There are many kinds of low-risk funds, such as money funds, bond funds, FOF funds, etc. These funds are more suitable for capital preservation and stable investors, while hybrid funds, stock funds, index funds, ETF funds and linked funds belong to medium and high-risk funds, which are more suitable for aggressive investors.
does the low-risk foundation lose money?
Yes, low-risk funds only say that the investment risk is relatively low and the risk of loss is relatively low, which does not mean that the fund will not have the possibility of losing the principal. After all, the fund is not a product with guaranteed capital and interest. Low-risk funds, such as money funds and pure debt funds, basically have no risk of principal loss as long as they are held for a long time. If the principal of the investment is relatively large, they can get a considerable income after holding for a long time.
fund investment: In addition to money funds and pure bond funds, high-risk funds such as stock funds, index funds and hybrid funds only earn income on trading days, but have no income on weekends and holidays. The fund implements the t+1 day system, and the buying time of investors will also affect the investment income. If it is a fund bought after 15 pm that day, the fund income will be displayed on the fourth day, and the fund's rise and fall on the next day will be related to investors. However, if it is bought before 15 pm that day, the fund's rise and fall on the second day will be related to investors, and the displayed income will be seen on the third day.