For many people who benefit from buying funds, they will pay more attention to the income of funds, especially the reinvestment of income. Therefore, Bian Xiao sorted out the fund income will be automatically bought again, hoping to answer some people's doubts.
Fund income will be automatically repurchased.
Fund income includes post-purchase price difference and fund dividend, and fund price difference will not be reinvested automatically; The dividend part depends on what dividend method investors choose.
Cash dividend: part of the income is distributed to fund investors in cash, which is originally a part of the net value of the fund unit. If investors choose cash dividends, they will not automatically reinvest.
Dividend reinvestment: The Fund will purchase funds according to the net value of the day, so if the dividend reinvestment system is selected, it will automatically reinvest.
For example, an investor buys a fund of 1 1,000 yuan with the net value of 2 yuan, and after buying, the net value rises to 2.5 yuan. At this time, the total assets of the fund are 2000 yuan. At this time, the fund's income from 500 yuan and 500 yuan will not be reinvested automatically.
If the fund company distributes 500 yuan income to investors at this time, and the dividend reinvestment method chosen by investors is dividend reinvestment, the system will automatically reinvest according to the instruction. Therefore, whether the system will reinvest depends on what kind of dividend distribution method investors choose.
How can the remaining money in the stock be automatically bought into a fund?
From high to low, the risks and returns of open-end funds are stock type, mixed type, bond type and currency type. A relatively simple way to buy open-end funds is to bring your ID card to the bank where you have a savings card to open a fund account to buy and sell funds. The fund account is in your bank savings card, which is safe and convenient. Fund start 1000 yuan. What you buy with money is the fund share, such as 1000 yuan, subscription fee 1, 5%, and the fund share you buy is 9852 1 fund share. Fixed investment fund started in 200 yuan. The name, amount, date and term of the fixed investment fund shall be signed with the bank. In the future, the bank will automatically give you a fixed investment fund on a regular basis, which will save you worry and effort. After opening online banking, you can also conduct fund transactions and fund inquiries online. Closed-end funds are similar transactions with stocks after opening stock accounts in stock exchanges. Starting price 1000 shares. If it is one yuan per share, it will be 1000 yuan. Choosing the right time and better fund varieties is the key to investment. Choose funds with high returns, stable trend, top ranking and strong profitability to buy on dips, and when the net value of the fund rises, there will be gains. Good investment funds, such as the growth of China's advantages and the prosperity of Chinese businessmen, earned around 40% last year. If you choose a bad fund, you may lose money for another year.
Will fund income be automatically converted into shares?
No, the fund share is fixed, and the fund income is generated by the fund net value. Fund net value rises, the fund generates income, the fund net value falls, and the fund loses money. The fund is traded at the net value, and each transaction is calculated at the net value of the fund at the close of the day. When purchasing this fund, it is converted into fund shares according to the amount at the time of purchase.
Stock investment and fund purchase have always been the relative parts of many investors. If you can make better investment, you can get more income. And the fund is traded before 3 o'clock, and the transaction price is confirmed by the closing price of the fund on the day of successful subscription.