Holding shares is less than buying funds. The fund holding share is calculated according to the fund net value, and the fund net value is also the price of a fund. The holding share is the current number (number of shares) of the fund and the present value of the fund held by the market value. The market value formula is market value = net value * share, so there will be cases where the holding share is less than the principal.
It is normal to hold less than the principal. Each fund share represents the net value of the fund. The net value of the fund is constantly changing, and so is the total value. Total fund assets = net fund value × share. Even if the share is less than the principal, it cannot be considered as a loss. The shares held have nothing to do with the profit or loss of the investment.
The new asset management regulations require banks to break the rigid redemption, so many wealth management products will become net worth products. Therefore, after investors buy wealth management, the amount they buy will be converted into corresponding shares according to the net value of wealth management products.
For example, if the net worth of product A is 2 yuan, and the investor buys 50,000 yuan, the share after buying is only 2,500 yuan, so the low share of wealth management does not mean a loss.
In the same way, the subscription share is greater than the subscription amount, which does not mean that it has earned. For example, if the net value of product B is 0.8 yuan, you can get 62,500 copies if you buy 50,000 yuan, and the share is 50,000 *0.8.
Therefore, when the net value is greater than 1, the subscription share will be less than the subscription amount; When the net value is less than 1, the subscription share will be greater than the subscription amount.
The income of net-worth wealth management products fluctuates, which is similar to net-worth fund products, but net-worth wealth management products have a fixed term and cannot be redeemed before the expiration. After maturity, the principal and interest shall be paid together.
What is the controlling share?
Holding share refers to the proportion of someone in the total amount of a fund, that is, share. Fund, in English, refers to a certain amount of funds set up for a certain purpose. It mainly includes trust and investment funds, provident funds, insurance funds, retirement funds and funds of various foundations.
Trust is an act that the principal entrusts his property rights to the trustee based on his trust in the trustee, and the trustee manages and disposes in his own name according to the wishes of the principal, for the benefit of the beneficiary or for a specific purpose.