From a professional point of view, adults should buy appropriate accident insurance first, which is cheap. This is the most basic, unexpected risks are everywhere! If economic conditions permit, save some money for medical care and sickness insurance. Disease waits for no one, regardless of age. You can save some education insurance for your children, that is, financial management! Because inflation is too severe, it is necessary for children to go to school! Tuition is to be saved! Then there is endowment insurance! People will get old. When they are old, they will have no income, so they must save enough money for their old age when they are young! This fund suggests that you consider it before buying! Be sure to fully understand! Because not all funds are profitable now! Because funds and stocks are risky, investment needs to be cautious! The insurance company will not go bankrupt, and the money will always be yours! Just save the money and use it later!
Remember to adopt