Tian Tian Fund's wealth management products
Money Fund's Financial Management Tool-Lifelong Treasure
Lifetime treasure is the financial management tool of Tian Tian Fund Network's preferred money fund. Money market funds invest in varieties with high safety factor and stable expected annualized income, such as government bonds, central bank bills, commercial bills, bank time deposit certificates, etc. Under normal circumstances, they can not only get the expected annualized expected income higher than the interest on bank deposits, but also ensure the safety of the principal.
Bond Fund Financing Tool-Dingtoubao
Tian Tian Fund Term Bao is a regular open pure bond fund with a certain closed period and a minimum investment of 1 1,000 yuan. It has the characteristics of low investment threshold, short term, stable expected annualized income and low risk. The investment cycle of Tian Tian Fund includes 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 30 days, 90 days and 180 days. The historical expected annualized expected return of accumulated funds with an operating period of more than 90 days is likely to exceed that of monetary funds.
Index fund financial management tool-digital treasure
Tian Tian Fund Network and SDIC UBS and other fund companies have joined hands to create the third financial management tool of "Baby" series-Finger Treasure. As the name implies, the number of fund products tracking different indexes at home and abroad has been optimized in Digital Treasure. The high expected annualized income of equity products may far exceed all kinds of "treasure wealth management products" managed by cash.