The SSE 180 Index, SSE 50 Index, etc. use the adjusted share capital of the constituent stocks as the weight for weighted calculations. The calculation formula is: Reporting period index = (Adjusted market value of sample stocks during the reporting period/base period) × 1000. Among them, adjusted market value = Σ (
Stock price × adjusted number of shares).
The SSE 180 Financial Stock Index, SSE 180 Infrastructure Index, etc. are calculated using the pie weighted comprehensive price index method. The formula is as follows: Reporting period index = (Adjusted market value of sample stocks in the reporting period/base period) × 1000. Among them, adjusted market value = Σ (stock price ×
Adjust the number of shares × weight cap factor), and the weight cap factor is between 0 and 1 so that the weight of sample equity does not exceed 15% (for the SSE 180 Style Index series, the cap weight of sample equity is 10%).
Adjustment of share capital adopts a hierarchical and gearing method to adjust the share capital of constituent stocks.
According to international practice and the opinions of the expert committee, the grading and backing method of the Shanghai Composite Component Index is as shown in the table below.
For example, if the circulating share ratio (circulating share capital/total share capital) of a certain stock is 7%, which is less than 10%, the circulating share capital will be used as the weight; if the circulating share ratio of a certain stock is 35% and falls within the range (30, 40], the corresponding
If the weighting ratio is 40%, then 40% of the total share capital will be used as the weight. Circulation ratio (%) ≤10 (10, 20] (20, 30] (30, 40] (40, 50] (50, 60]
(60, 70] (70, 80] >80 Weighted ratio (%) Circulation ratio 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100. Extended information calculation method To calculate the stock index, three factors must be considered: 1.
It is sampling, that is, selecting a few representative stocks from many stocks; the second is weighting, which is a weighted average based on unit price or total value, or an unweighted average; the third is a calculation procedure, which is to calculate the arithmetic mean, geometric mean, or both.
Price and total value. Due to the wide variety of listed stocks, the work of calculating the price average or index of all listed stocks is arduous and complicated. Therefore, people often select several representative sample stocks from the listed stocks and calculate these samples.
The stock price average or index is used to express the general trend and rise and fall of stock prices in the entire market. The following four points are often considered when calculating the stock price average or index: (1) The sample stocks must be typical and ordinary.
Therefore, the selection of samples should take into account factors such as industry distribution, market influence, stock grade, appropriate quantity, etc. (2) The calculation method should be highly adaptable and can make corresponding adjustments or corrections to the changing stock market conditions.
Stock indexes or averages have better sensitivity. (3) There must be scientific calculation basis and methods. The calculation basis must be unified, and the calculation basis is generally based on the closing price, but as the calculation frequency increases, some
Calculated based on hourly prices or even shorter time prices. (4) The base period should be well balanced and representative.