Large-scale ordered metal nano-patterning has attracted great attention of chemical researchers because of its wide application in photoelectric, sensing, plasma vibration and other fields. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Renmin University of China, the research group of functional polymer devices led by Professor Cao Tingbing of the Department of Chemistry has developed a new patterning technology for preparing ordered metals-organic vapor-assisted preparation of metal micro-nano structures on the basis of a series of research in the field of non-traditional micro-nano patterning. This simple and cheap method for preparing metal micro-nano patterns comprehensively uses various technologies such as metal film deposition, organic vapor swelling silicone rubber template and transfer printing. Based on the swelling of silica gel template in different solvents, the metal film deposited on the surface of silica gel is broken, and the broken metal film is transferred to silicon or flexible substrate, which successfully realizes the controllable fracture of the metal film, and the patterned micro-nano structure with large area, controllability and high precision can be obtained by operating at room temperature. This structure has plasma vibration effect and has been successfully applied to organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Professionals say that this method is expected to be applied to the next generation of optoelectronic devices, especially flexible electronics devices.
Professor Cao's research results have just been published in Angew, the top international chemistry magazine. Chemistry. Edited by …, doi:10.1002/Anie.201106438).