What is a stock fund and what are its characteristics?
What stock fund is a stock fund is a fund that invests in stocks. In a broad sense, equity investment refers to the equity investment covering all stages before the initial public offering of an enterprise, that is, the investment made by an enterprise in each stage of seed stage, initial stage, development stage, expansion stage, maturity stage and Pre-IPO. According to the investment stage, relevant capital can be divided into venture capital, development capital, merger and acquisition fund, mezzanine capital, revitalization capital and pre-listing capital. Others, such as private equity investment after listing, bad debts, real estate investment, etc. (the concepts mentioned above also overlap). In a narrow sense, PE mainly refers to the private equity investment part of mature enterprises that have formed a certain scale and generated stable cash flow, mainly refers to the private equity investment part in the later stage of venture capital, in which M&A funds and mezzanine capital account for the largest part of capital scale. In China, PE refers to the latter to distinguish it from VC. The characteristics of stock funds Investment funds are essentially a kind of financial investment. Its essential feature is that two or more investors form a new property subject through collective investment, and then make financial investment in the name of the new property subject. Investment risks are borne by investors, and investment returns are enjoyed by investors. As an investment fund is a collective investment system, it usually needs to be managed by a professional management team, and it is often necessary to raise capital from qualified investors during the establishment process. What are the types of equity investment funds? 1. According to the investment mode or operation style of various equity investment funds, they can be divided into three types: one is venture capital (also known as venture capital) funds, which usually invest in early-stage enterprises or high-tech enterprises; Second, growth funds, private equity investment funds in a narrow sense, mainly invest in the equity of unlisted enterprises in the expansion stage, and generally do not aim at holding shares; The third is the acquisition fund, which mainly invests in the listed or unlisted equity of mature enterprises in order to gain the control of mature target enterprises. 2. According to the organizational form, it can be divided into: (1) company funds, that is, companies that set up investment companies, issue stocks to specific targets, and engage in foreign investment business; (2) Limited partnership fund, that is, through the establishment of a limited partnership, the executor of partnership affairs is an unlimited partner, and the attracted investors become limited partners, and the executor of partnership affairs is responsible for investing in the property of the partnership and making profits from it; (3) Trust fund, that is, the client and the trustee sign a trust contract, stipulating that the trustee is responsible for using the client's property for foreign investment activities, and the proceeds will be enjoyed by the beneficiary after the commission is extracted, and the trustee accepts the instructions of the client. Stock fund is actually an investment made by many people, which can be divided into many types of investments with different main purposes. Some invest in large-scale listed companies for the purpose of holding shares, which belongs to acquisition funds, and some invest in a certain technology and think it has prospects, which belongs to venture capital, but no matter what kind of investment ultimately has risks and benefits, investors will share it.