However, the law is rapidly becoming the target of Trump, Congress and Republicans, who have proposed at least 1 1 pieces of legislation, which may weaken the strength of polar bears or prevent some threatened wild animals from being unprotected.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was signed into law by President Nixon in 1973, which helps to protect more than 1600 species of animals and plants that are considered threatened or endangered. To a large extent, thanks to the signing of the Act, many endangered symbolic wildlife species have been restored in the past 40 years, including vultures, American alligators, peregrine falcons and gray wolves.
The bill also promotes the recovery of climate change by protecting habitats and helping to maintain natural systems. Dave Owen, a professor of natural resources law at the University of California, Hastings, said that this is good for both humans and wildlife, even those species that are not listed as endangered or threatened.
The United States is listed as the first endangered species of bumblebee. Not all species will be endangered because of climate change, because the ice in the Arctic has shrunk.
"Wildlife habitats are also human habitats," he said. Wild areas provide us with entertainment, clean air, clean water, flood control and beautiful scenery.
Although Congress has not proposed legislation to completely abolish ESA, various bills proposed since June 5438+10 have tried to weaken ESA and its ability to cope with climate change.
Some of the most important bills proposed this year will harm the interests of ESA, including:
? Stop the EPA's ultra vires bill. The bill will require federal agencies to disclose all the data that form the basis of scientific decision-making to list wild animals as threatened or endangered species. This bill is a position strongly opposed by ESA supporters, who claim that poor scientific research is the result of * * * recognizing that a species is threatened or endangered. They say critics try to politicize science.
? Federal land freedom act. The Listing Reform Act, a House bill sponsored by four Republicans, aims to reduce the economic impact of listing endangered species by preventing the federal government from considering this proposal. Protecting a species is based on the urgency of protecting it from extinction. Instead, the bill requires that proposals be considered in the order in which they are received.
Biodiversity ecosystems are more stable than ecosystems with low diversity. Therefore, when the temperature rises, diseases break out or invasive species spread, diversity protects and buffers changes, said Bradley Cardindale, director of the Cooperative Institute of Limnology and Ecosystem Research at the University of Michigan, ann arbor.
"Habitat loss is the biggest cause of species extinction in the world, so the ability to protect the habitats needed by species is the most powerful tool of endangered species law," he said. Protecting biodiversity provides people with a guarantee that the world can produce their air, water and food even in the case of climate change. In 2008, George W. Bush listed the polar bear as an endangered species, which helped to raise public awareness of the link between global warming and landmark disasters. However, Bush stipulated that this list cannot be used to control greenhouse gas emissions that cause polar bear habitats to melt.
"The polar bear is the first species to be protected by endangered species." "The behavior of the species is entirely due to the threat of global warming," said ShayeWolf, director of climate science at the Biodiversity Center of the environmental organization. This list not only makes the public aware that climate change has pushed vulnerable species such as polar bears to extinction, but also forces Bush to adopt the knowledge of scientists around the world that ESA will deal with climate change.
Few other laws are as politically polarized as the Endangered Species Act. Critics say the law enjoys a high reputation for preventing development projects on private land and how to use public and private land in areas with endangered or threatened wildlife, which brings high costs to local communities.
Jonathan, a lawyer at the National Security Agency, said: "Most of these costs are difficult or impossible to measure. Wood said that the Pacific Law Foundation, which represents the opponents of the bill. "They are homes that have never been built, businesses that have never started businesses, and jobs that have never been created, because in the early days, when the people who created these plans realized that ESA regulations would challenge her plans, these plans were shattered. Rob Bishop of Utah told the Associated Press in January that he wanted to "repeal" the law because it had been hijacked by environmental groups.
"It has never been used to restore species," Bishop told the Associated Press. It is used to control the land.
Legislation in the new Congress weakened ESA, which shocked environmental organizations trying to maintain the integrity of the bill.
Aimee Delach, a climate adaptation policy analyst with the Wildlife Conservation Group, an environmental organization, said that Congress may reduce the effectiveness of ESA by eliminating the science supporting the bill or reducing funding for federal agencies that implement it. Draghi said that talking about "modernizing ESA" in this Congress is a pun on "weakening ESA".
In February, the Senate held a hearing on the modernization of ESA. At the hearing, lawmakers criticized the bill for failing to remove the protection of endangered species when they resumed. But they say the main method of trying to restore endangered animals and plants threatens private property rights.
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The original article about the climate center.