If you find that your funds are frozen in the process of using your bank card, don't panic first. First of all, you must find out why your bank card is frozen. If the identity information reserved in the bank expires, the bank will lock the card in order to ensure the safety of the user's funds. In this case, the cardholder only needs to bring his ID card to the bank counter for unfreezing business.
After the bank card is opened, if there is no transaction for six consecutive months, the card will be classified as "sleep card" by the bank. If the card is identified as "sleep card", if the bank card funds are frozen for this reason, the processing method is relatively simple, and only the official bank APP needs to be unfrozen. It only needs to be handled during the service hours. If it is a non-real name registration system account, you must bring your ID card to unfreeze it.
However, if it is frozen for judicial reasons, it will be more difficult in this case. Only when the cardholder has an economic or bond dispute will the judicial authorities freeze the cardholder's assets. In this case, the cardholder will unfreeze the card only after fulfilling his due obligations, obtaining the permission of the judicial organ and receiving the notice from the judicial organ. In other words, everyone should cherish their credit and avoid freezing property due to judicial enforcement.