2 middle and back office: if a state-owned bank works in an office, those with 2 1 1 master's degree can enter (but stay at the grassroots level for at least two years first). There is also a backstage similar to the Pacific insurance industry (not the kind of attendance, but Baidu). Risk control category.
Research nature: researcher of various securities firms, asset management and self-management. Fund manager.
4 investment bank nature: take CPA exam, son. Part of the audit, to be a seller involved in IPO, PE, etc.
In addition, there are world-class investment banks: quant and trader. For details, please see the movie The Devil Trader. He is regarded as the top rock star on Wall Street in the industry. Generally, you need a master's degree in metalworking from TOP20 in the United States, or a doctorate in physical mathematics.