1. Dividend: the income of the fund from the distribution of the company's net profit due to the purchase of the company's shares. Dividends are distributed to shareholders in two forms: cash dividends and stock dividends.
2. Dividend: refers to the place where the fund enjoys the distribution of the company's net profit due to the purchase of the company's preferred shares.
Yes Dividends are usually agreed in advance according to a certain proportion, which is the main difference between dividends and bonuses.
3. Bond interest: refers to the interest that the fund assets get on a regular basis because of investing in different types of bonds.
4. The price difference between buying and selling securities: refers to the price difference income formed by the investment of fund assets in securities, also known as capital gains.
5. Deposit interest: refers to the bank deposit interest income of fund assets.
6. Other income: refers to the cost or expense saved by the use of fund assets, such as miscellaneous income obtained by the fund from securities companies due to large-value transactions.