When buying funds, some are popular funds, which attract a lot of attention, because they will rise better, and some are unpopular funds. Funds often fall more and rise less, so buying unpopular funds is still better. Popular ones? How to choose a good fund? We have prepared relevant content for everyone. If you are interested, come and take a look!
Whether it is better to buy an unpopular fund or a popular fund must be analyzed based on the situation of the fund. Considering that the situation of each fund will be different, we mainly explain it to everyone. its way of looking at it.
The reason why popular funds are popular is that the fund has a relatively good growth rate. When considering a popular fund, you need to analyze whether this fund still has room to rise and whether it is already at a high level. You can refer to past historical performance. Although past performance does not represent the future, it still has a certain reference value.
There must be a reason why unpopular funds are unpopular. It may be because the fund has fallen more recently, or the fund may have fallen more in the long term. When looking at funds, you must take a long-term perspective. Analyze beyond the immediate.
First of all, we need to look at what the status of this fund has been since its establishment or in recent years. If this unpopular fund has been brilliant in the past, but the recent market has been relatively poor, follow-up funds will start When there is a rebound, you can consider it, because at this time the fund is at a relatively low position.
So if this unpopular fund has been falling more and rising less in the long term, and its performance has been very poor, even if the fund is currently at a low level, it is not recommended to buy it, because it is very likely to be a There is no bottom, unless the investor is optimistic about the fund, then he can consider it. After all, the future of the fund is unpredictable, and it is possible to rise or fall.
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