2. Discount insurance rate. The formula 1 is available on the floor, which is just like clothes discount. 60 yuan sells clothes at 100 yuan to you, which means a discount rate of 40%. Selling clothes at 120 yuan means a premium of 20%.
3. The guarantee is generally based on discount. Generally speaking, it is expressed as "discount rate 20.82%" or "premium 10%", and the discount rate is rarely mentioned. If discount premium rate is used, a positive number means premium and a negative number means discount.
4. The annualized rate of return in the last three years is 45.35%, which means that the fund can get an average annual income of 45.35% in the last three years, and the total income in the three years is (1+45.35%)*3.
If you want to compare with open-end fund, it depends on which one you compare with.