2. Salary structure: Salary consists of fixed income and variable income, with fixed income as the base for paying five insurances and one gold, excluding variable income. Five insurances and one gold include endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance and housing accumulation fund.
3. Welfare treatment: In addition to the basic salary, the foundation will also provide other benefits, such as meal supplement and attendance transportation subsidy. For example, Bethune Public Welfare Foundation stipulates that employees will get a meal supplement from 25 yuan every working day, which is calculated as 22 working days per month, and the maximum is not more than 550 yuan. Attendance transportation allowance is also 25 yuan per person per day, and the calculation method is the same.
4. Salary system: The salary system of the foundation will reflect the importance of job responsibilities and be linked to the performance of employees. At the same time, the salary system should be fair inside and outside, that is, competitive in the same region and industry.
5. Salary survey: Understanding the salary level in the same industry and region will help the Foundation to formulate more attractive salary standards. For example, the Survey Report on Employees' Salary of Non-profit Organizations in China shows that employees' salary in non-profit organizations is generally low, and the salary mechanism, structure and guarantee are not in place, which will affect the foundation's ability to attract and retain talents.
6. Foundations are non-profit-making public welfare organizations, whose purpose is to achieve specific social, cultural, educational or charitable purposes by funding or operating various social welfare activities.