When investing in Yu'E Bao and other financial products, you will see that the products are usually marked with the historical expected annualized expected return or the 7-day historical expected annualized expected return. Some investors are not very familiar with it. The seven-day historical annualized return of Yu'E Bao is 2.78%.
What means?
How to transfer Yu’E Bao to MYbank?
Can I pay in installments with Yu’E Bao?
What is the expected annualized return of Yu’e Bao?
The expected annualized expected return of Yu'e Bao refers to the interest generated by your purchase of financial products.
Just like the money you deposit in the bank will accrue interest, purchasing Yu'e Bao will generate expected annualized returns.
What does Yu'e Bao's seven-day historical annualization mean?
The seven-day historical expected annualized expected return rate is the 7-day average expected annualized expected return level of monetary funds. The data obtained after historical annualization reflects the fund's profit level in the past seven days and is for reference only.
How to calculate the expected annualized return of Yu’E Bao?
The expected annualized expected return of Yu'e Bao is different every day. The calculation formula is as follows: For example: you have a confirmed amount of 100,000 yuan, and the expected annualized expected return of 10,000 units on that day is 0.8, then your expected annualized expected return on that day is (10W
/1W)*0.8=8 yuan.
The path to view the expected annualized expected income of Wanfen: 1. Log in to the Alipay mobile client - My - Yu'e Bao 2. Click on the expected annualized expected income number to enter the cumulative expected annualized expected income page, and then click on the upper right corner to filter 3. Click Wanfen
You can view the expected annualized expected income of 10,000 units per day. Warm reminder: 1. Yu'e Bao is compound interest, and the daily expected annualized expected income will be included in the confirmed amount and used to calculate the next day's expected income.
Annualized expected return; 2. The confirmed amount can also enjoy the expected annualized expected return on weekends and holidays.