The net value of a fund refers to the net value of each asset obtained by dividing the assets of the fund by its liabilities. The change of fund net value reflects the result of fund asset management, which is manifested in the change of fund share value. An increase in the fund's net value usually means that the fund's investment performance is good. On the contrary, a decrease in the fund's net value means that the fund's investment performance is poor. Investors can evaluate the investment performance of the fund by observing the changes in the net value of the fund, and then decide whether to hold the fund.
Fund position and net value are important indicators of investment funds, which can reflect the investment ability and investment strategy of fund managers. Investors should pay attention to the changing trend of fund positions and net worth, and make investment decisions in combination with their own investment objectives, risk tolerance and other factors. For investors with certain experience, we can look for funds with relatively reliable long-term investment in terms of fund positions and net worth, so as to achieve short-term and long-term asset appreciation goals.